Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch - C.463 - 446: You All Must Not Die!

Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

C.463 - 446: You All Must Not Die!

Chapter 463: Chapter 446: You All Must Not Die!

“Like this?”

Leander was dumbfounded.

Eight key members of the live streaming team, veterans in the live streaming industry, were also dumbfounded like Leander.

Ever since stepping into this virtual office, Lincoln had been constantly refreshing their understanding.

Especially the core issue of the platform’s profit-sharing.

The 50% profit-sharing of live streaming platforms in the industry had almost become an industry rule.

Only those struggling small platforms tried to use low profit-sharing to attract some market share.

But this so-called “low profit-sharing” would not be lower than 30%.

Even so, not many streamers were willing to go there, because small platforms often meant insufficient strength, small traffic, short lifespan, and risk of disappearing at any time.

Under Daxia’s strict supervision, they wanted to make a bloody path by relying on controversial and sensational content?

A few reports would result in fines that would kill them.

Don’t misunderstand, the ones reporting were not the audience or netizens, but the top five live streaming platforms in the industry.

They even had dedicated teams and departments to report those who tried to subvert the industry landscape or even compete for a small share of the market.

This had almost become an open secret in the industry.

Often some hot small platforms with astonishing revenue would suddenly gain unprecedented popularity because of a reckless streamer, and then the platform would explode, with the founder being fined down to his underwear.

They undoubtedly contributed to this outcome.

Of course, their reporting teams would only report those small and new platforms and wouldn’t report their same-level competitors on the surface——even though everyone wished that the others would go bankrupt tomorrow.

This resulted in the majority of streamers having to accept this profit-sharing ratio.

Even due to the existence of “unions,” what many streamers ended up getting was less than 30%.

Leander knew that Lincoln had romantic ideals in many aspects.

“Lincoln doesn’t act like a merchant,” was something everyone recognized.

He was prepared that the profit-sharing ratio of Cloud Dream Live Broadcast Platform would be reduced to 40% or even 30%.

But how did Lincoln plan to do this?

“Ten percent.”

Is he crazy?

That was Leander’s first thought.

Wouldn’t they be attacked by everyone?

That was Leander’s second thought.

Is this really a good thing?

Leander fell into deep thought.

Of course, this wasn’t just Lincoln being a nice guy.

He did think that the profit-sharing of live streaming platforms was outrageous, but he could also understand that in order for the platforms to maintain the normal operation of numerous streaming rooms, the daily spending on servers would be a huge sum.

And there was the huge cost of initial publicity and gathering traffic.

But the problem was, weren’t these platforms making money for themselves too? Wasn’t this expenditure part of their cost?

If they had to talk about costs, many streamers also had a considerable investment in their live streaming equipment!

It’s not like any live streaming platforms were subsidizing their streamers in this regard, right?

The high profit-sharing ratio couldn’t be justified to Lincoln.

Especially for streamers on the Cloud Dream Live Streaming Platform, particularly the virtual reality game streamers, their streaming tools were actually bought from Cloud Dream!

And the computing power needed to maintain their live streaming was also contributed by them due to the distributed virtual world architecture.

In this respect, Cloud Dream balanced the cost and revenue, and even made

If they had to say, the only thing that Cloud Dream genuinely provided to the streamers was massive traffic. freewebnσvel.cŃłm

But when the streamers streamed, they were also indirectly producing traffic, constantly contributing to the growth of the game’s traffic.

This was also a form of disguised labor, serving both the Cloud Dream streaming platform and game sales!

If they factored in the money spent on the Mirage Console

Lincoln couldn’t help but feel that taking money from these people’s pockets again would be a bit too much

Lincoln didn’t hide anything and directly explained the situation to Leander.

Even so, Leander adamantly disagreed, saying that this wouldn’t work, and they would offend everyone in the industry.

“What can they do to us?” Lincoln asked in confusion.

” Leander suddenly hesitated, “Die before our eyes?”

He couldn’t think of what those people could do to Cloud Dream, and in the end, they might really collapse directly.

The scariest thing would be if they couldn’t cope before going bankrupt, someone went to extremes, and he and Lincoln were knocked out by someone.

“That won’t happen.” Lincoln shook his head, “We’re not going to accept just any streamer. Those who focus on appearance, duo streams, PK challenges, risquĂ© content, and other miscellaneous fields – we don’t plan to take most of them in. Let them make the money. They shouldn’t drop dead because of that.”

In fact, the money made from these parts is actually more than that from games, and the frequency of appearances by wealthy patrons is much higher than in the gaming sector.

“What if they insist on coming?” Leander asked.

“Not many will.” Lincoln shook his head, “There are no special effects here, are you sure they dare to come?”

” Leander was once again speechless.

The eight senior industry veterans behind him also showed a look of indescribable frustration.

Without the support of special effects, they knew much better than Lincoln what those streamers would become

Actually, Lincoln was more worried about the death of these streamers than the bosses of those live streaming platforms.

That’s because Lincoln didn’t want anyone to associate the words “Cloud Dream” and “monopoly” together. The unrestricted rapid development of the virtual world was the core interest of Cloud Dream.

In comparison, money and fame were both insignificant matters.

In the end, in order to take care of Leander’s feelings, Lincoln still took a step back and increased the percentage to 25%.

But he proposed a new request: strictly control the live streaming unions and control the qualifications of unions.

In order to achieve better supervision, the 10% income from these unions will be divided into two parts, with 5% from the live streaming platform and 5% from the streamers themselves.

In this way, what streamers ultimately get in their hands, like the companies that sell games on the Cloud Dream Gaming Platform, is 70%.

This was also a more pleasing proportion for Lincoln.

If it weren’t for the need to keep Cloud Dream’s staff as streamlined as possible, Lincoln wouldn’t even want to leave any room for live streaming unions.

But after considering the busy work of Jerome’s market division, he gave up on that idea.

Of course, streamers can still completely act as individual streamers without signing any cooperation agreements with any unions.

Finally, there is the key issue of streamer development.

Leander originally thought it didn’t matter at all.

—This split ratio, coupled with Cloud Dream’s backing, is already a deadly weapon.

Without doing anything else, streamers will keep coming.

But the streamer recruitment plan Lincoln talked about left him stunned.

“Approach top-level athletes in reality, whether it’s car racing, motorcycles, bicycles, rock climbing, parkour, slacklining, high-wire walking – pick a few outgoing ones with good communication skills, and bring them into the virtual world as streamers.”

“And people like the ‘King of the Ocean,’ who can create a boat in the virtual world, are also worth looking for.”

“In short, invite experts in various fields from reality to the virtual world to showcase their talents through live streaming.”

“This not only attracts attention but also, to a certain extent, digs up more possibilities of the game. It might even enrich the gameplay according to their needs and achieve two objectives at once.”

“In fact, many such talents are already users of Cloud Dream, just not that famous in the gaming circle. I can give you a list of names for you to contact first.”

“These people should be able to get things started, and in the later stage, you can wait for new streamers to emerge naturally.”

“With our user base, the emergence rate of new streamers will be very fast!”

“Faster than you can imagine.”

In fact, Leander didn’t even have to wait to try to reach out.

William had already decided to join the Cloud Dream Streaming Platform.

Lance, whose streaming and club contracts expired at the same time and was negotiating a new contract with his club, also decided to switch to the Cloud Dream Streaming Platform.

Streaming was already one of his backup plans in his “retirement” scheme, and now he’s just building on it ahead of time.

The ‘King of the Track’, who won third place in the last car race, was a famous racer plotting to redeem himself in the second competition on Sunday.

Upon seeing Cloud Dream starting a streaming platform, he decided to join without hesitation.

Even streamers with contracts started to think about the expiration date of their contracts.

Is it possible to switch to Cloud Dream?

Many up-and-coming streamers who recently emerged due to the popularity of virtual reality games, but haven’t even signed anything yet, quickly decided to give up their current streaming rooms and move to Cloud Dream.

Many more streamers, and many more viewers, are all looking to join Cloud Dream.

Not only because Cloud Dream has huge advantages, leading the industry technologically, producing its own games, and being both wealthy and powerful
and so on.

It’s also because, in just a few short months, Lincoln has built a good reputation for himself and Cloud Dream.

People might tease Lincoln about not being a good person, send him razor blades, and ridicule him for his pettiness on a daily basis.

But in crucial matters, they’re willing to trust him.

In addition, the first people to enter virtual reality game streaming have now risen with the wind and become well-known streamers in the industry.

These are all successful cases right in front of them!

The source of this c𝓾ntent is freewebnĂžvel.coɱ.

With virtually no risk and huge returns, how could people not flock to this opportunity?

