What It's Like Being a Vampire - C.410 - Simple Joy (Part 2)

What It's Like Being a Vampire

C.410 - Simple Joy (Part 2)

Chapter 410: Chapter 410 Simple Joy (Part 2)

Xia Libing didn’t just answer questions, she also had a few questions she wanted to ask Liu Shiling, but it was inconvenient to ask them while Shiling’s mom was present.

Though if she outright voiced them, Shiling’s mom would likely assume she was just entertaining her daughter’s whims and playing make-believe. However, asking too many detailed and formal questions could arouse suspicion. Perhaps Shiling’s mom might even think she had a screw loose and stop her from interacting with her daughter.

Therefore, Xia Libing could only subtly impart her understanding of the “Super sensory Item System” to Liu Shiling in a rather “tactful” manner while answering Liu Shiling’s various questions.

However, judging from Liu Shiling’s puzzled expression, it was clear that she didn’t catch any of it.

When the roasted chicken wings were served, Liu Shiling was halfway through one when she felt a gentle nudge from Xia Libing’s hand under the table.

She glanced down and found that the “Roasted Chicken Wing Sister” silently passed her a roasted chicken wing.

Obviously, this chicken wing wasn’t taken from the plate just served.

At a glance, Liu Shiling discerned that this chicken wing was identical to the one that “Roasted Chicken Wing Sister” had given her in her dream.

Liu Shiling immediately realized that this chicken wing was conjured by “Roasted Chicken Wing Sister” with magic!

It was a “magic roasted chicken wing”!

Just like in her dream!

As she recalled the taste of the chicken wing from her dream, the chicken wing she was currently eating suddenly became tasteless.

Liu Shiling looked at her mom who was chatting with “Uncle Bald”, put down the half-eaten chicken wing in her hand, and stealthily took the chicken wing that “Roasted Chicken Wing Sister” passed to her from under the table.

She moistened her lips, swallowed the saliva that had gone crazy because of the memory of the dream taste, and only then did she bring the roasted chicken wing to her mouth.

Upon taking a bite, Liu Shiling’s eyes squinted, chewing with the corners of her mouth unconsciously curling up into an expression of satisfaction.

This is the taste!

Just like in her dream!

At this moment, the image of the “Roasted Chicken Wing Sister” as a “magician” in her mind was finally utterly perfect.

This is the kind of magician she wants to become, this powerful!

Shiling’s mom, who was currently discussing the housing and commodity prices in Star City with Xiang Kun, suddenly noticed her daughter’s expression of satisfaction, with eyes half-closed, and a blissful expression as if about to drool oil. Seeing the half-eaten chicken wing in her hand, she was amazed, “Are the chicken wings here that delicious?”

As her mom, she knew exactly what Liu Shiling’s expression meant—it was the equivalent of engraving the word “delicious” on her forehead.

With that, she also tried a piece of the roasted chicken wing, but found its flavor just
 okay after a few bites.

If it were only to this extent, then she should be able to make it herself, right?

If she could make a roasted chicken wing that would make her daughter show this kind of expression, then she would definitely feel satisfied.

On the side, Xiang Kun could not see what Xia Libing and Liu Shiling were doing under the table from his line of sight. But he was aware, with clarity, what the two were saying and doing.

He knew that the chicken wing was co-manifested in the dreamland by Xia Libing carrying her “desire for food”, just like Crispy Pig’s Elbow and Napoleon Cake, they were among her favorite foods. When the two of them merged their dreamlands and the little fatty girl tasted the dream’s “roasted chicken wing”, it had not only her own emotional enhancement from the dream but also the enhancement of Xia Libing’s food desire.

So, when she tasted that “roasted chicken wing” in reality, it was bound to bring a sensory enhancement beyond its actual taste.

Xia Libing must have known it too, this was her way to win over little Fatty Girl’s favour and trust through her stomach, laying the groundwork for further communication on “ability development experience” and “constructing an ability system”.

Looking at Little Fatty Girl’s state, it seemed clear that Old Xia’s tactics were
 a success.

However, after he observed Shiling’s mother, who seemed to be tasting the flavor of the grilled chicken wings and pondering about how to make them, Xiang Kun felt a bit concerned.

After the conversation earlier, although he didn’t ask directly, he could glean from certain information and Shiling’s mom’s physical reaction on certain topics that she was troubled by something recently, which was likely related to money.

Xiang Kun knew that Shiling’s mom had already sold her apartment near their home, unit 706, which should have given her a considerable amount of money. Would it mean this money had encountered some problems if she was still worried about the financial aspect?

But judging from her condition, it shouldn’t be due to being deceived or facing any other adverse events that caused the problem with her funds.

Xiang Kun speculated that either Shiling’s mom wanted to buy something that exceeded her budget or something had happened, and the money had been taken by Shiling’s dad or other relatives.

The former scenario seemed less likely because the properties in Star City were much cheaper compared to the first-tier cities, and she was unlikely to buy luxury houses in prime locations.

If it was the latter, he really couldn’t ask directly.

If this had happened in the past, Xiang Kun wouldn’t have meddled. But now, Liu Shiling was more than a small neighbor girl to him. Because of the bond of the “Super Sensory Item System,” he felt it was his responsibility to help ensure Little Fatty Girl’s growth and safety, within his power.

Of course, the premise was that Shiling’s mom and Little Fatty Girl truly needed help.

Xiang Kun decided to discreetly find out more about their situation first before considering whether to help or how to help. From what he could observe, even if she was facing financial problems, it wasn’t an urgent situation just yet.

While they were eating, Xiang Kun received a message from Tang Baona. She and Zhang Qian had finished their discussion, and they needed Xiang Kun to make decisions on certain matters. So, she and Yang Zhen’er had booked a flight to Citong for tomorrow. After discussing and finalizing some details there, they would then head to Tongshi Town together. They were to finish filming the remaining episodes for “Youlong Restaurant” and discuss the game with You Meng and Liu Caifu, who were shareholders.

Xiang Kun had originally planned to return to Citong early tomorrow morning with Old Xia. So, he wasn’t concerned about Tang Baona and Yang Zhen’er ending up with nothing to do. However, after a moment’s hesitation, Xiang Kun sent a message to Tang Baona, asking her and Yang Zhen’er to come directly to Star City to meet up with Liu Shiling. They planned to have a meal together before heading to Tongshi Town the next day.

After dinner, on the way home, Liu Shiling held Xiang Kun’s hand with her left and Xia Libing’s with her right. Occasionally, she would bend her legs and the two men lifted her off the ground in synch, eliciting peals of joyful laughter from her.

Behind them, Shiling’s mom watched her daughter, whose carefree happiness she hasn’t seen in quite a while. She felt relieved, but also a bit sad and guilty.

As Xiang Kun was lifting Little Fatty Girl off the ground, he suddenly noticed something unusual. The two “Super-connected Objects” coins she carried on her pocket seemed ready to spring out and fly away.

Taken by surprise, Xiang Kun quickly withdrew Little Fatty Girl’s control right and pushed the coins back into the pocket.

This move naturally drew Little Fatty Girl’s attention. She looked up at Xiang Kun, realizing she had almost lost control in her ecstasy, thinking that Uncle Bald and the Grilled Chicken Wing Lady were the only ones in the world. She wanted to call out her “Chocolate” and “Ice Cream” to play and show off to Uncle Bald and Grilled Chicken Wing Lady. She had forgotten her mom was behind her and there were other passersby around.

Realizing she had almost caused trouble, Liu Shiling stuck out her tongue, shrunk her neck, and even her steps became smaller.

Upon returning home and seeing “Custard Pie,” who had wilted for almost 48 hours but had run, to welcome them at the door, Liu Shiling laughed out loud, ran over to him barefooted, and rubbed her forehead against his.

After entering the house, while Shiling’s mom was cutting the fruits, Liu Shiling dragged Custard Pie into her room with Xiang Kun and Xia Libing, showing them her various drawings and origami.

After Liu Shiling put down “Custard Pie” in the room, the chubby cat immediately went over to Xiang Kun, fell on his back, and rolled around with his belly exposed. He meowed at Xiang Kun, clearly trying to gain the latter’s favor.

Liu Shiling, who saw this happening, didn’t find it strange. In her opinion, it was normal for “Custard Pie” to try to please “Uncle Bald.”

“Xiao Lingdang, does ‘Custard Pie’ usually listen to you very well? Even if you instruct it to do something specific, it seems to ‘understand’?” Taking advantage of Shiling’s mom not being there, Xiang Kun planned to directly inquire about the connection between Little Fatty Girl and “Custard Pie.”

Liu Shiling nodded, “Yes, ‘Custard Pie’ is sometimes stupid, lazy, and particularly gluttonous, but he’s pretty obedient.” Seemingly, the cat understanding her command was a given.

“Xiao Lingdang, your relationship with ‘Custard Pie’ isn’t ordinary. It’s not an ordinary cat or a pet. Just like the octopus-arm
 oh, ‘Barbie Warrior’ you saw in your dream.”

Liu Shiling was left dumbfounded. She then looked at “Custard Pie,” who was still rolling around with his belly exposed on the floor, and murmured, “Can ‘Custard Pie’ grow eight claws and eight eyes too

