What It's Like Being a Vampire - C.411 - : Late-night Talk by Candlelight

What It's Like Being a Vampire

C.411 - : Late-night Talk by Candlelight

Chapter 411: Chapter 411: Late-night Talk by Candlelight

“Can the ‘Custard Pie’ also grow eight claws and eight eyes?”

Hearing Little Fatty Girl say this, Xiang Kun was instinctively about to say “of course not”. However, the various pieces of information that came up during the previous series of checks on the “Custard Pie” suddenly surfaced in his mind, giving him a series of ideas. He faintly found some ways to combine the abilities he gained from the “mutated parasite” with the “Super Sensory Item System”.

Strictly speaking, it seems
 not impossible for what Little Fatty Girl said to happen.

However, now is not the time to discuss this. Even if Xiang Kun does have an idea, he couldn’t possibly experiment with the “Custard Pie”. He said, “It’s not about looking alike, it’s about the connection between you. Just like having a telepathic connection. Do you know what that means? Hmm
 For instance, how do you get the ‘Custard Pie’ to listen to you?”

In response to his words, Liu Shiling said to the “Custard Pie” still wiggling on the ground, “Custard Pie, come here!”

Upon hearing this sound, the “Custard Pie” immediately stopped wiggling, turned its head to look at its little master, meowed as if responding and also as if asking.

“Come here, Custard Pie ~” Liu Shiling said again.

This time, the “Custard Pie” finally rolled up from the ground and moved next to her, meowing at her feet.

Liu Shiling looked up triumphantly at Kun.

“Give it some more complex commands.” Xiang Kun said.

Without thinking too much, Liu Shiling just patted the “Custard Pie” on the head, then pointed in the direction of the living room and said, “‘Custard Pie’, I want to eat shrimp chips!”

The “Custard Pie” twisted its head to look at the living room following her finger, then turned back to look at her, then at Xiang Kun. It meowed after looking at both and slowly strolled out to the living room.

The “Custard Pie” went out slowly, but came back incredibly fast, like the wind, and ran back to Liu Shiling, dropping the thing it was holding in its mouth at her feet.

However, the thing wasn’t the bag of shrimp chips on the living room table, but a tube of cat nutrient cream.

While Liu Shiling picked up the nutrient cream, opened the lid, and fed the “Custard Pie”, she said to Xiang Kun in a smug manner, “The ‘Custard Pie’ may be a bit dumb, but it’s still very obedient and well-behaved. When I tell it what to do, it does it, but it can be a bit slow and may not do it well.”

Actually, Little Fatty Girl wasn’t being wishful. Her summary was quite accurate, Xiang Kun could faintly sense that when she and the “Custard Pie” were “communicating”, she was indeed issuing instructions to the “Custard Pie”, which understood the instructions, but either it had limited understanding, or the command information was limited. The “Custard Pie” only knew it had to get something related to food from the living room, it couldn’t precisely understand that Little Fatty Girl was asking it to get the shrimp chips from the table.

Clearlу, the connection between Little Fatty Girl and the “Custard Pie” was very weak and preliminary, far inferior to the connection between Xiao Pingguo and “Gold Shimmer”.

Of course, this was achieved by Little Fatty Girl on her own, and she went through the whole process in a state of confusion, even now she herself hasn’t realized it, so it’s quite impressive that she could establish a connection in the first place.

However, the direct connection between Little Fatty Girl and the “Custard Pie” hasn’t recovered yet, it’s being relayed through the “Super Sensory Item System”, so some specific connection details may differ.

But from this simple exchange, it could be confirmed that Little Fatty Girl didn’t have any special subjective feelings about her connection with the “Custard Pie”.

At this moment, Shiling’s Mom came out of the kitchen with sliced fruit and called the three of them to the living room to talk while eating.

Using the excuse that Liu Shiling needed to consult Old Xia about some issues in physics and medicine, Xiang Kun let the two of them continue to interact in the room by themselves, while he went to chat with Shiling’s Mom in the living room.

Knowing that Miss Xia had two master’s degrees and was also a doctor, Shiling’s Mom already considered her a highly impressive figure. Naturally, she felt it would be beneficial for her daughter to learn from her and use her as a role model. Even if she’s still young and can’t learn much, having more communication with smart people should have a positive impact, right? What’s that saying
feast with swine? That doesn’t sound right

Xiang Kun and Old Xia didn’t stay for long, chatting a bit. After arranging to have lunch with both Tang Baona and Yang Zhen Er, who were flying in the next day, they left around eight-thirty for the hotel they had previously booked.

Xiang Kun booked two standard rooms, but he and Old Xia both spent the night in one room as they had a lot to discuss.

Xiang Kun had a basic understanding and judgement on the combination of the Little Fatty Girl with the “Super Sensory Item System” and its developed abilities, and had previously shared all this information with Old Xia.

But from Old Xia’s perspective, she needed to use her own understanding of the “Super Sensory Item System” to communicate with Little Fatty Girl, gain insight into her thought processes, and thereby update her own understanding.

Xiang Kun wanted to know about Old Xia’s updated understanding after her interaction with Little Fatty Girl.

The two of them sat on separate beds in the room, with Xia Libing occasionally eating chips or chicken nuggets from a snack bag, and Xiang Kun nibbling on some grilled chicken wings every now and then. However, the food Xia Libing ate was real food, real late-night snacks from a KFC that they packed on the way back, while Xiang Kun was eating food he co-manifested, just for the atmosphere.

Although Xia Libing and the Little Fatty Girl were privately communicating inside the room that evening, and Xiang Kun was chatting with Shiling’s Mom in the living room, he could hear their conversation clearly.

So Old Xia did not repeat their conversation, only stating her judgement: “To me, ‘Super-Connected Objects,’ ‘Emotion Infused Objects’ are more like tools, necessities for achieving certain goals;

“For ‘Apple,’ the ‘Emotion Infused Objects’ she can physically interact with are, in her understanding, ‘channels,’ and other ‘Emotion Infused Objects’ projections perceived through these ‘channels’ are ‘monsters;’”

“In Xiao Lingdang’s understanding, ‘Super-Connected Objects’ have two defined modes. One is a medium to establish communication with ‘Magic,’ and another is ‘Companion.’”

Thinking of the names Little Fatty Girl assigned to the two coins, and those two silver armored fat warriors with numbers on the chest and chrysanthemums on the back in the dreamland, Xiang Kun subtly nodded.

Old Xia continued: “The most distinguishing characteristic of Little Lingdang, and what sets her apart from me and ‘Apple,’ is that in her understanding, whether treating ‘Super-Connected Objects’ as a ‘Magic Medium’ or ‘Battle Companions,’ they all coexist in reality.”

Xiang Kun continued to nod, indeed, that was the case. Little Fatty Girl has never doubted the existence of “Magic.” Furthermore, all the “settings” and “spur-of-the-moment thoughts” she had about “Magic” were all eventually verified in reality, which reinforced her conviction.

Be it Old Xia or “Apple,” they each have to observe phenomena and hypothesize or infer from it, because they already have a relatively complete world view.

These were things Xiang Kun had thought about before, so he asked, “Knowing all this, does it aid your ability application in any way?”

Xia Libing crossed her fingers and said, “I think Little Lingdang putting herself and the incarnation of ‘Super-Connected Objects’ on an equal footing is probably why she’s able to deeply integrate into the ‘Super Sensory Item System.’ Because she can blend into it, when she calls upon these ‘Super-Connected Objects’ in reality, they can ‘equally’ support her and produce stronger effects.

“I can’t treat ‘Super-Connected Objects’ and ‘Emotion Infused Objects’ as equals in reality like Little Lingdang, but perhaps I can find a way to emulate her in a dream through the use of concrete images. With this method, I may be able to delve deeper and enhance my abilities further.”

Upon hearing this, Xiang Kun immediately recalled the dreamland situation where Old Xia created a “Mini Xia” using the “Super-Connected Objects” dreamland projection.

However, that “Mini Xia” in the dream seemed like a soulless projection—she was unable to co-manifest the “Mini Xia” in reality like other “Super-Connected Objects Dreamland Projections” once she woke up.

Curious about Old Xia’s specific plans, Xiang Kun continued discussing with her until it was past one in the morning.

